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Английская игра (сериал 2020) смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве HD 720 - 1080

In the heart of England, amidst the lush green fields and rolling hills, a tale of passion, rivalry, and determination unfolds. Set in the early days of the 19th century, this captivating story delves into the origins and invention of football, an iconic sport that has since captured the hearts of millions. Our journey takes us back to a small village in the United Kingdom, where a group of young men, filled with an insatiable curiosity and a burning desire to create something extraordinary, embark on a quest to change the course of sporting history. Inspired by their love for physical activity and a longing for unity, they dedicate themselves to the pursuit of a game that would captivate the world. Led by a charismatic and visionary leader, these individuals toil tirelessly, experimenting with various rules and regulations, shaping the very essence of the sport we know today. As they face countless setbacks and opposition from those who cannot fathom the potential of this newfound obsession, their resilience and unwavering belief in their creation propel them forward. But this tale is not just about the game itself; it is a narrative that explores the human spirit, the bonds of friendship, and the power of determination. As the players confront their own personal demons and navigate the complexities of relationships, their love for the sport becomes intertwined with their individual journeys of self-discovery. Against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world, where industrialization and societal divisions threaten to tear communities apart, football emerges as a unifying force. It becomes a refuge for those seeking solace, an outlet for the working class to express their frustrations and hopes, and a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity. As the story reaches its climax, the team faces their greatest challenge yet - a high-stakes match against a formidable opponent. This pivotal moment not only tests their physical abilities but also their collective spirit. Will they be able to triumph over their adversaries and cement their place in history? Or will their dreams crumble under the weight of expectations? This gripping drama weaves together elements of history, sportsmanship, and human emotion, taking us on a mesmerizing journey through time. It reminds us of the power of passion, the importance of teamwork, and the enduring legacy of those who dare to dream. Ultimately, this is a story that celebrates the indomitable human spirit and the profound impact that a simple game can have on society.

  • Английская игра The English Game
  • Название: The English Game
  • Год выхода: 2020
  • Режиссер: Тим Файвелл, Биргитте Стэмозе
  • Страна: Великобритания
  • Перевод: ColdFilm (Многоголосый) на русском языке
  • Качество: 720-1080, WebDL
  • 6.88
  • Актеры:Эдвард Холкрофт, Кевин Гатри, Шарлотта Хоуп, Нив Уолш, Крэйг Паркинсон
  • Жанр: драма, история, спорт
Английская игра
1-6 серия

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